
9 Tips To Improve Your Ecommerce Return Policies

After Holiday seasons such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas it is normal for retailers to expect more returns and refunds. So, how can you ensure that you have the right ecommerce return policies in place? 

Discover the best product return policies.

The truth is that in what concerns to ecommerce return policies, you should make sure that you create a specific return policy for these periods. After all, with so many purchases, a lot of customers end up changing their minds about the products they either offered as the ones they got.


So, here are 9 tips that will help you improve your ecommerce return policies:

#1: Allow Returns By Different Channels:

One of the best things that you should include is the possibility for the customer to choose the best way to return his product. You can, for example, allow customers to return products online or at the store, no matter where they bought the item in the first place. 

Discover how to handle returns and refunds as a dropshipper.

#2: Make Your Ecommerce Return Policies Clear:


This is a must do on all occasions. Most customers tend to check your ecommerce return policies before they make their purchases. So, when you have a clear policy, your customers will be more likely to buy. 

#3: Don’t Charge For Returns:

While there are costs involved in returns, we believe that these costs should be taken by the company and not by the customer. After all, this can improve your retention rates. 

Get your money back without a receipt.

#4: Your Ecommerce Return Policies Location:

The best place to have a link to your ecommerce return policies is at the footer. This is where most customers expect to find it. In addition, you should also include a link to ecommerce return policies on products pages. 

#5: Offer Extended Returns On Holidays:


You know that during Holidays seasons people are usually busier than ever. So, one of the best things that you can do is to extend the period for returns. 

#6: Packaging Should Include Clear Return Instructions:

While your customers can check how your ecommerce return policies work during Holidays Seasons, it is also important to add this information to the packaging. This way, your customers will always know what to do. Overall, their buying experience is better.

#7: The Right Sizes:

One of the main reasons why customers want to return their products is because they bought a piece of clothing or shoes that don’t fit. Simply put, they bought the wrong size. So, in order to prevent these types of returns or refunds, you should make some kind of tool available at your website that allows your customers to immediately know the size they should pick. 

Why do customers return products?

#8: Offer Home Trials:


Depending on the types of products that you sell, you may want to offer a home trial. Let’s say that you sell furniture. This is the type of product that the customer will need to see in place to decide whether if he likes it or not. 

#9: Discover Why Your Customers Are Returning Products:

One of the best things you can do to improve your ecommerce return policies is to know the reasons why your customers return products. This will allow you to see the products that are usually returned more often and will help you prevent future returns.