Sometimes, you just buy products or items that you don’t like, are damaged when arrive, or you simply got the wrong items. So, you want to know how you can ask for a refund.
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On most occasions and for most stores, you can simply take the items or products back to the store and explain the situation. In case you bought the products online, you can also get in touch with customer support to see how they can help. While most companies will actually make a refund, others may keep delaying the process. So, you write a letter asking for a refund.
How To Write A Letter Asking For A Refund
#1: Determine Your Goal:

Before you start writing your letter to ask for a refund, you need to ensure that you determine your goal. You need to think about what the company can do to make things right, if the specific company is obliged to make you a refund or replace the product, or even if you’re willing to consider an alternative for the refund.
To ensure that you have everything right, you need to make sure if the product that you bought comes with any warranties or guarantees. Just to give you a simple example, in the case the product arrived damaged or broken and has a warranty, you can simply get either a refund or a replacement.
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Here’s another example: imagine that you bought a piece of furniture and that you assembled it at home by yourself and there are some parts missing. Or maybe you followed the instructions and you can’t set it up correctly. In these cases, it’s preferable to call customer service first and ask for their assistance.
Notice that in case you bought a product labeled as “as is”, you need to keep in mind that it will be almost impossible to get a refund.
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#2: Discover To Who To Address The Letter:

When you are considering writing a letter asking for a refund, you need to know who you need to address it.
In case there is a specific department or person who handles complaints, you want to be sure your complaint goes directly to them to ensure prompt attention.
In case you are going to ask for a refund from a large company, it’s always advisable that you get in touch with customer support first. In case you’re not happy with the answer, you can then proceed with the letter. On the other hand, if you bought an item from a smaller company, you should look for the purchase order or receipt. You should be able to find there the name and address of the company.
If you’re trying to find the company’s information online, then you can simply check their website. In most cases, you can see the Contact Us or Contact Information links or buttons on the bottom of their websites.
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#3: Gather All The Materials:
When you are writing a letter to ask for a refund, you need to make sure that you add as much documentation you can to maximize the chances of getting your refund. You should include this documentation with your letter.
Some of the documentation you should add includes copies of all invoices, receipts, purchase orders, or other supporting documents. Notice that these documents should include the date of purchase, the cost of the product or service, and payment information.
In case you already got in touch with customer support, you should also include this information in your letter along with the name of the person you talked to as well as the date and hour of your call. This will show the company that you have already tried to solve the situation but that you didn’t succeed.