At Home, a renowned home décor retailer, has updated its return policy in 2023 to enhance customer satisfaction and convenience.

Extended Return Period
At Home now offers a 60-day return window, extended to 90 days for Insider Perks members. This policy is applied to unused items in original packaging and accommodates a variety of customer needs.
Hassle-Free Returns
The policy allows for hassle-free, receiptless returns. If a purchase cannot be verified, customers are eligible for store credit based on the current item price.
Seasonal Item Returns
Special provisions are made for seasonal items. For instance, Christmas merchandise returned after December 25 is refunded at the current price.
Specific Item Restrictions
Certain items, such as mattresses, box springs, and items with removed tags, are not eligible for return. Items marked “All Sales Final” are also excluded from returns.
Convenient Return Options
Customers can return products in-store or via mail. Online orders delivered by local partners must be returned in-store.
At Home’s return policy in 2023 demonstrates its commitment to providing a seamless shopping experience. The flexibility of this policy ensures that customers can shop with confidence.”
For more details, please visit At Home’s Return Policy page.